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fashion that empowers,

to the woman

Our bags are made by hand with wicker and rattan, natural fibers woven by artisan women, who with their wise and kind hands give life to Raíz Mestiza products.

The goal of Root Mestiza is to create bags that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing, but also tell stories and connect women with their cultural roots.

Through our products, we seek to strengthen the identity and self-love of our customers, providing a platform for women to express their authenticity and elegance.

These elements reflect the essence and purpose of Root Mestizo, aligning its mission, vision, values and objectives

our goal

our legacy

By connecting with your roots, you feel the embrace and support of those who came before us. This connection gives you the wisdom of their steps, the strength of their actions and the teachings of what they have experienced, allowing you to transcend and leave a legacy.

This inspired us to innovate, fusing pre-Hispanic elements and techniques with modern design, thus creating unique and vibrant pieces.

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Fusion of tradition and style


the strength of a woman

It manifests itself through the connection with its roots.

As a therapist, my work awakened in me the desire to support women to connect with their roots and strengthen their identity. This is how this project was born, in which I discovered an essential element for them: the bag.

We all have a bag with elements that make us feel safe and complete.



Every day, women create their own story. With the elegance and authenticity of our exclusive models, discover in our collections the perfect piece to express your identity.

our designs stand out

on an international level.

We were invited to participate in the FAYNG SOLO store, a platform for independent designers in the US, located in the heart of SOHO, New York. This opportunity allowed us to become known in other countries, which led us to be featured in STYLE CRUZE magazine in Japan and in GLAMUR in Belgium.

It was a great experience, full of learning and opportunities.

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